What happens when you’re an expert technician, but still a novice business owner?
Mark candidly shares his business struggles and successes as he went from a one-man operation to a multi-truck, multi-state company. He’s learned a lot about business and about himself along the way, and comes onto the show ready to share how you can reach the kind of success you want in your business.
Show Notes
[3:21] Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions
[6:32] Book: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
[10:13] Goals for the Show
[13:10] GuysInTrucks.com
[13:20] Guys In Trucks Facebook page | Facebook group
[14:35] Groundhog Hunting with Jerry: Problem Solving
[20:35] CVC Coaching
[20:58] Customer Service Hall of Fame
[21:59] Men In Kilts
[25:10] Submit your own Customer Service Hall of Fame story!
[25:29] Check in with Reality: Should this one man shop bring his wife on-board?
[31:30] Have a question for Taylor? Ask away!
[32:15] Mark Stoner intro
[32:45] Chimney Safety Institute of America
[33:57] “The only thing that happened overnight was the decision to do it.”
[40:19] Spark Marketer
[46:58] Book: E-myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
[55:00] Ashbusters.net
[57:25] SirVentFranchising.com
[1:08:30] Quote
[1:11:09] MarkStoner.com