Success is won or lost in the details.

This week on the show we talk with Linda Roydhouse about how the difference between making or losing money in your home service business comes down to minding your p’s and q’s. The better you are at the details, the more profitable you can be. All that and MUCH more, on this episode of GIT.

Show Notes

[5:49] James Justus
[10:07] 6 Ways To Make Faster Decisions; How To Make Decisions More Efficiently
[12:42] Big Data = Big Trouble: How To Avoid 5 Data Analysis Pitfalls
[21:26] The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown
[24:06] Groundhog Hunting with Jerry: Value
[30:17] CVC Coaching
[30:30] Check in with Reality: With everyone shopping prices, is it best to offer free estimates just to get into the customer’s home?
[31:10] Plumbing Zone Forum
[42:11] GIT Nation Facebook Group
[42:27] Linda Roydhouse intro
[43:27] Chuck Roydhouse
[47:47] Clean Sweep of Anne Arundel
[48:21] SOPs
[1:15:41] Quote
[1:17:10] GIT Nation Facebook Group
[1:17:27] Have suggestions? Email us!
[1:17:41] Spark Marketer
[1:18:03] Subscribe to our emails!

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