Are you paying the Tax Man more than you need to?
Today on the BCP Show we talk with Diane Gardner. If you’re growing your business the Blue Collar Proud Way, then you are paying attention to your financial health. And Diane believes if you really pay attention, you can save thousands on your taxes every year. Yeah, I thought you’d like that! All that and MUCH more, coming up.
Live BCP Taping: Friday, March 3, 1:00pm – Room C201
Marketing Panel 3:30pm – Room C202
Lineup for the live show (shoutout to Rick Vlahos!):
– Jack H. Goldman – President & CEO of Hearth Patio & Barbecue Association
– Aime Ryan – incoming Vice-Chairman of HPBA
– Jeremy Biswell – Current President of National Chimney Sweep Guild
From the Front Lines
Ellen Rohr | Zoom Drain
Check in with Reality
NYTimes article: Apprenticeships
The Myth and Reality of Manufacturing in America
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