I see you… but what are you really saying?

Today on the BCP Show we talk with Barbara Chatzkel. When we think of languages we think of English, or Spanish, or Farsi even. But your words tell only part of the story – that’s right, it’s body language that gives us the full picture. But what does it tell us, and how do we read it?

~Still doing some Christmas shopping for your team? Why not support the show at the same time? Head over to the BCP Store in the BCP Show app for everything from tees to coolers. Our book, Blue Collar Proud: Ten Principles for Building a Kickass Business You Love also makes a great gift! Grab the paperback or kindle version on Amazon!
~Shout out to Mark Madden for his comment over in the Blue Collar Proud Nation Facebook Group.

From the Front Lines
Mark Stoner 001|026
Check out Mark’s website for more information on Mark and his Blue Collar University and get your copy of Blue Collar Gold: How To Build A Service Business From The Dirt Up today!

Check-In With Reality
The Power of the Leader’s Calling
Simon Sinek
Ellen Rohr

Barbara Chatzkel
Reach out to Barbara at barbara@thebodylanguagepro.com to get her upcoming book at the pre-release sale price. You can shoot her an email to schedule a body language tuneup over Skype or video!

barbara chatzkel quote - blue collar proud show

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