136 – Communication is Worth More Than You Think

Communication is Worth More Than You Think Are you communicating thoroughly with your customers? With your employees? With your business partners? Tim Reed joins us in the studio today to talk about the real money value of communication and how it may be unknowingly...

122 – Allocating & Tracking Marketing Dollars

Allocating & Tracking Marketing Dollars Today on the BCP Show we talk with Tim Reed. The options for marketing your business are virtually limitless today, but throwing dollars into different marketing avenues without evaluating and tracking results is a great way...

118 – Employee Retention

Employee Retention Today on the BCP Show, we talk with Tim Reed. It’s no secret that finding quality people who want to do blue collar work can be a challenge, but that’s why retaining the quality people you DO bring on is more important than ever. Do you...

116 – Laserlike Focus

Laserlike Focus Today on the BCP Show we talk with Tim Reed. While some may say that the most important quality in leaders is intelligence, Tim argues that the ability to maintain a laserlike focus is much more valuable. To maintain that focus, he urges business...

086 – Tim Reed

What is the new consumer’s buying mindset for products and services? Today on the BCP Show we talk with Tim Reed. It’s a wide ranging and sharp conversation about products, services, technology, sales, marketing, consumers, business leadership, and...

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